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The american society for microbiology |
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Serial : printed text
Journal of Clinical Microbiology® publishes the most current research related to the laboratory diagnosis of human and animal infections and the role of the laboratory in epidemiology and the management of infectious diseases.Serial : printed text
Journal of Virology® publishes primary-research, mini-reviews, and other article formats that interrogate fundamental processes and structure in viruses, the mechanisms by which they interact and evolve with their host and environment, and novel[...]Serial : printed text
Journal of Virology® publishes primary-research, mini-reviews, and other article formats that interrogate fundamental processes and structure in viruses, the mechanisms by which they interact and evolve with their host and environment, and novel[...]Serial : printed text
Journal of Virology® publishes primary-research, mini-reviews, and other article formats that interrogate fundamental processes and structure in viruses, the mechanisms by which they interact and evolve with their host and environment, and novel[...]